Gestalt Therapy Approach to Psychopathology and
Contemporary Disturbances
Scientific Director
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Dr. Psychol. Psychoth.
Program Coordinator
Gianni Francesetti, Dr. Psychiatr. Psychoth.
Two Year International
Training Program
As Gestalt therapists, how can we approach psychopathology and diagnosis?
How our theory opens new horizons on human suffering and contemporary
How the understanding of clinical issues is enhanced by our radical contact-boundary perspective?
How this changes our daily practice in supporting people who suffer?
This International Training offers the possibility to explore main clinical issues throughout the Gestalt therapy theory and to find new keys to understand and support specific kinds of suffering. This exploration will provide a paradigmatic method in approaching psychopathology and diagnosis and connecting them to the clinical practice and to the wider social field.
Main Topics
Roma (Italy), November, 14–18, 2018
M. Spagnuolo Lobb
Gestalt therapy approach to psychopathology and diagnosis (I).
“Personality disorders” as creatively adjusted Gestalten (I): narcissistic experience.
G. Francesetti
Gestalt therapy approach to psychopathology and diagnosis (II).
Anxiety and emergent Gestalten (I): panic disorder and phobias.
Milano (Italy), November, 6-10, 2019
G. Francesetti
Depressive experiences and its Gestalten.
C. Vazquez Bandin
Losses, trauma and their Gestalten.
Roma (Italy), March, 20–24, 2019
M. Spagnuolo Lobb
“Personality disorders” as creatively ad justed Gestalten (II): borderline experience.
“Identity difficulties” as field emergent Gestalten: psychotic experience.
J.M. Robine
Anxiety, shame and their Gestalten.
Siracusa (Italy), March, 18-22, 2020
G. Francesetti
Anxiety and emergent Gestalten (II): obsessive and compulsive experience.
Psychosomatic disturbances.
M. Spagnuolo Lobb
When the body is the emergent dysfunction: experiences of dependency, anorexia, bulimia and other forms of eating disorders.
Roma, Italy (first and second seminars)
Milano, Italy (third seminar)
Siracusa, Italy (fourth seminar)
Addresses will be communicated to participants.
English. The seminar led by Carmen Vazquez Bandin will be simultaneously translated from Spanish into English.
Year Schedule
Two 5 days seminars per year (from Wednesday to Sunday). Seminar Time Schedule:
Wednesday: 2pm-7pm
Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 9am-1pm/2.30-6.30pm
Sunday: 9am-2pm
700 Euro per seminar (board and lodging excluded)
550 Euro per seminar for the first five places for colleagues from Eastern European Countries (board and lodging excluded).
Maximum 30 people, previous training in Gestalt therapy and a minimum of clinical experience is required.
Information on different categories of
accommodation in the area where the training will take place (the historical center of Roma, Milano, Siracusa) will be provided.
[email protected]
Through the site www.gestalt.it/trainingsRegistration implies the participation and payment of the four seminars. Those participants who
cannot participate in one or more seminars, will have to pay anyway, and will be admitted to participate to the same seminar(s) of the next edition.