Led by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Miriam Taylor
Milan (Italy), November 10-11, 2023
The here and now of the therapeutic experience is rooted in a background of learning that occurred in previous meaningful relationships. The bodily process, the definition of self and the creative choices that patient and therapist go through in the session are a masterpiece of integration and reciprocity, which includes the backgrounds of both and is intended towards a new way of being-with the other. When the patient is stuck in traumatic situations, it is necessary to fully understand and ‘inhabit’ their attachments, creating flexibility of adaptations, in order to connect to the vitality that every experience – even if suffering – preserves.
Miriam and Margherita will experiment with co-leadership, presenting and demonstrating their thoughts on Trauma and Psychopathology of the Situation. After brief introductions, they will in turn offer individual clinical demonstrations. They will work in the presence of one other, expanding their views with comments and highlighting vital aspects of traumatic experiences.
Participants will thus learn from live therapeutic experience how to work with attachment patterns for trauma healing.
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Miriam Taylor are two internationally trained gestalt psychotherapists who want to focus on supporting human vitality by considering the creative adaptation aspects of trauma.

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Psychotherapist and researcher, international trainer, Director of the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy (Syracuse, Palermo and Milan). In her clinical work, she has hermeneutically developed the principles of Gestalt therapy into a field-oriented, phenomenological and aesthetic approach. Her book The Now-for-Next in Psychotherapy is available in 11 languages. With Pietro Cavaleri, she has recently edited the book Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy: A Field Oriented Approach, published by Routledge in the Gestalt Therapy Book Series. She received the Lifelong Achievement Award from the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy – AAGT (Toronto, Canada, August 2018).

Miriam Taylor
UKCP registered Gestalt psychotherapist (non-clinical), supervisor and trainer. Having retired from clinical practice in which she specialised in trauma for over twenty five years, Miriam now includes aspects of collective trauma, social justice issues and climate change in her thinking on trauma. Based in embodied practice, her interest is in the formation of the traumatised relational field, leading to an ecological perspective. She teaches in the UK and internationally, and is on the Leadership Team of Relational Change. Publications include “Trauma Therapy and Clinical Practice” (2014); “Deepening Trauma Practice” (2021), and several peer reviewed and invited articles.
Friday November 10, 2023
hrs. 10.00-18.30
h. 10.00
Welcome to participants
h. 10.30
Rosanna Militello
Introduction: Studies on attachment and trauma and the contribution of Gestalt therapy
h. 11.00
Miriam Taylor
Lecture: Deepening trauma practice
h. 11.45
Questions and answers
h. 12.15
Personal work or supervision
Miriam Taylor
h. 13.00
Comments and questions
h. 13.30
Lunch break
h. 14.30-18.30
Personal works, feedback from the group and clinical reflections
Miriam Taylor and Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Saturday November 11, 2023
hrs. 9.00-17.30
h. 9.00
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Lecture: Working with attachment and trauma using the aesthetic relational knowing and the paradigm of reciprocity
h. 9.45
Questions and answers from the group, dialogue between Miriam Taylor e Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Chair: Rosanna Biasi
h. 10.30
Personal work or supervision
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
h. 11.15
Comments and questions
h. 11.45
Small groups work
h. 12.30
Reports from the groups
Comments from Miriam Taylor e Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
h. 13.00
Lunch break
h. 14.30-17.00
Personal works or supervision
Miriam Taylor e Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
h. 17.00-17.30
Feedback from the group. Dialogue.
Previous training in Gestalt therapy and a minimum of clinical experience is required.
English and Italian (with translation)
An attendance certificate will be provided to participants
Camplus Turro, Via Stamira d’Ancona, 25, Milan (Italy). Metro station Turro (Google maps)
Information on different categories of accommodation in the area where the training will take place will be provided
The total cost for the course is 310 Euro
You can pay with your credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express,…).
If you wish, you can use Apple Pay, Google Pay, Bancontact, EPS, Giropay, iDeal, Przelewy24.
After payment we will use the order data to issue an invoice. Take care to insert your email, name, address correctly.
For any assistance after-order write to [email protected] attaching the order confirmation within 24 hours.