Embodiment and ecology in the actual sufferings of everyday life

Embodiment and ecology in the actual sufferings of everyday life

An international seminar with Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg, Germany)
With the participation of Scott Churchill (Dallas, Texas, USA)

Siracusa (Italy), June 14-15, 2024

An ecological redefinition of our relationship to the earthly environment can succeed if our corporea­lity and aliveness are at its center – that is, as our connectedness with the natural world. (T. Fuchs)

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An interesting conference on Embodiment and Psychopathology is going to take place in Siracuse (Italy) on June 8 and 9, 2018.

Read the program here! It’s going to be a fruitful exchange concerning the new theories and methods for psychotherapy research.
the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy (Siracuse, Palermo, Milan)
presentsEmbodiment and Psychopathology Gestalt Therapy and New Developments on the Therapeutic Alliance
International seminar with
JUNE 8-9, 2018Archeological Museum – Conference HallSiracuse – Italy

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