Upcoming workshop in Sydney: A Relational Approach To Working With Personality Disorders

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb will be presenting at a workshop on “A Relational Approach To Working With Personality Disorders” in Sydney, Australia, on 30th September 2016. The workshop will contextualise the increase of personality disorders in clinical practice with social changes and developments. It will provide relational tools to diagnose and work with these forms of suffering. The Gestalt therapy perspective of personality disorders will be presented, based on phenomenological and aesthetic epistemologies. Borderline and narcissistic personality organisation will be described, with specific consideration to the client’s intentionality for contact in the moment-to-moment flow of the therapeutic session. Relational tools to diagnose the suffering of these clients, and support the “beauty” concealed in their suffering will be provided. Concepts of field, contact boundary, aesthetic relational knowledge and physiological support will be covered. The workshop will be hosted by Gestalt Therapy Sydney (www.gestalttherapysydney.com).