The Gestalt Institute of Mexico City, directed Myriam Mugnoz Polit, the first and the most meaningful in Mexico, has welcomed with great enthusiasm the work conducted by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb: an open conference and a workshop.
The conference, titled “The dance steps between caregivers and child: a phenomenological, aesthetic and field perspective on child development”, was held on September 19, 2018, in a conference hall in the center of the city. Members of the staff of Directors, Jorge Merino and Fernanda Mugnoz, have introduced the Italian guest. Participants were many psychotherapists from the area. They have listened with great interest the new perspective on child/caregivers interactions which looks at reciprocity and at aesthetic resonance in the field. They have gladly committed to the experience of the ‘steps’ that Margherita has proposed, and have finally appreciated the clinical use of the conference.

The workshop took place in the beautiful main office of the Institute directed by Myriam Mugnoz, in Coyoacan. It addressed the Gestalt perspective and clinical model on borderline experience and personality disturbances. Margherita has presented her model, in the context of most recent studies of psychoanalytical and behavior modification models. She has used many clinical examples, giving a practical experience of this kind of work and also a theoretical frame.
Participants and the Staff of the Istituto Humanista have welcomed Margherita with much warmth and respect. remembering that she didn’t visit the Institute since 2005, they have hoped to see her soon!